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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  April 2, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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>> "the ed show" is up next. the war on women's health took a dangerous turn in the state. we will bring you the latest and get live reaction. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. a bomb goes off at a wisconsin planned parenthood clinic. a day before the republican primary. the fbi is investigati what could be domestic terrorism in wisconsin. salon's joan walsh and ruth connette are here with the latest. republicans still can't rally around romney and santorum destroys him with a new ad. >> he stuck taxpayers with a $1 billion short fall. >> and tomorrow's big election. >> the scott walker race is a lot more important to me than the presidential race right now. >> milwaukee mayor tom barrett
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wants to be the democrat to take on scott walker in the june recall. tonight, tom barrett is my excondoleezza ricive guest. >> i'm doing this for trayvon. it makes me press forward to know we have to get justice for my son so his death is not in vain. >> america is waiting for an arrest in the trayvon martin case as new detas paint an even worse picture for george zimmerman. we will have the latest. good to have you with us tonight. thank you for watching. the dangerous reality on the war on women's health was on full display here in wisconsin last night. police say a homemade explosive device was detonated at a planned parenthood clinic in the town of grand chute wisconsin 20 miles outside of green bay. no one in the building -- no one was in the building at the time. police have no suspects. the president of the wisconsin planned parenthood clinic says the clinic will reopen tomorrow. she says the primary concern today, as always is our
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patients, staff and volunteers. the bomb attack comes while the presidential candidates are campaigning in wisconsin for tomorrow's primary. rick santorum released a statement denouncing the violence, but still firmly opposing planned parenthood. hi said that violence is never the answer. while we can and should work to defund planned parenthood violence against our fellow citizens has no place in a freedom loving america. mitt romney is on record saying he will defund planned parenthood. he says that women who rely on planned parenthood services are on their own. >> you made it clear that you are not in support of planned parenthood. i'm wondering where you suggest that the millions of women that receive their health services such as mammograms and hpv vaccines go. >> they can go wherever they'd like to go. this is a free society. this is what i say, the federal government should not tax these people to pay for planned
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parenthood. >> women's health services like planned parenthood are under attack from all sides. president obama released a video statement saying that he stands with planned parenthood and its supporters. >> protecting women's health is a mission that stands above politics. and yet, over the past year, you have had to stand up to politicians who want to deny millions of women the care they rely on and inject themselves in to decisions that are best made between a woman and her doctor. let's be clear here. women are not an interest group. they are mothers and daughters and sisters and wives. they are half of this country. they are perfectly capable of making their own choices about their health. so when some professional politicians casually say they will get rid of planned parenthood, don't forget what they are really talking about, eliminating the funding for preventative care that millions of women rely on and leaving them to fend for themselves. >> i have said before whoever
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stands up for the rights of the working class in this country will win the presidential election. the same goes for women's rights. president obama is separating himself from republicans in his support for women's health care and the results are very telling. "usa today" gallup poll conducted 12 swing states shows this, president obama's numbers are getting bigger in these key states. the president leads mitt romney by nine points and rick santorum by 11 points in the swing states. among women the numbers are even bigger. president obama hanz 18-point lead over mitt romney and a 15-point lead over rick santorum. the gender gap could be the big ticket play for the democrats this year. it could affect races all over the country. democrats are hanging on a vulnerable senate seat in swing states like ohio and in florida and missouri. there are open seats in
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virginia, and here in wisconsin. female voters are questioning whether republicans are on their side and it's having a big affect in the polls. if their answer is a resounding no, the republican chances of victory in november no doubt will take a hit. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, will the war on women cost republicans the white house? text a for yes, text b for no to 622639. we will have the results later in the show. i'm joined tonight by ruth -- the political editor the progressive magazine. also with us is joan walsh, editor at large for great to have you with us tonight. ruth, let me ask you first. planned parenthood, how important is it to voters and do you think the polls will hold up as we get closer to the election? >> it is crucial so many women voters. i think what women understand is this is not just driving a wedge over late-term abortion but
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telling women which they should have access to birth control and whether we are going back to little house on the prairie or living in a modern society and that's why you see the huge number gaps. >> what can you tell us about the bombing that took place at the planned parenthood clinic? >> first of all it happened in the box fox valley which is a divided part of our divided state. it is very close to the place where joe mccarthy is buried in wisconsin. the headquarters of the george birch society. it is an area that sent a democrat to congress regularly over the last several years. this is an area of the state that is crucial for republicans to win, if they are going to win tomorrow. it is also an a area where you see the battle between the forces that want to drag us backwards and modern forces in play. and walkers cuts to planned parenthood which he implemented as soon as he took office, 1 million cuts in preventative care.
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>> i don't know how this ask this. we have seen radical positions being taken by the republican party when it comes to women's health and now this bombing. god forbid the tip of the iceberg. what does this mean? are these radical positions going to take us in to possibly a real scary phase in american politics? >> i think they already have, ed. i think that there are two realities in our country. planned parenthood enjoys so much esteem and respect from most americans. i saw a pew poll that had them higher among admired groups than the nra. so in the world, in the normal world, planned parenthood has a health mission. they carry it out well. one in five women has used their services at some point in her life. they respect it and i remember last year when the house gop started this war to defund it, just grassroots women on twitter
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and facebook were speaking up for planned parenthood. on the one hand, you have not been able to delegitimize or demonize them. on the other hand, with this fringe it plays in to a long-term pattern of attacks on planned parenthood, violent attacks, needing clinic escorts to get women to get their services. so there are two realities, two americas just like ruth was discussing in the fox valley where you have got progressives doing the right thing and taking care of people and then you have got some frightened and kind of frightening people turning to violence when they can't get their way politically. >> joan these numbers are that not good for republicans right now. women voters seem to be holding all of the cards because of the radical positions of republicans. how can they fix it? >> i don't know that they can fix it. this is a fair amount of time before the elections, so nothing
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is in the bag, but i remember having conversations about sherrod brown in ohio back when john kasich got elected and there was a terrible ohio backlash and worrying about that seat and he's doing so well. again, it's with the support of women. you have got tim kaine in virginia. so it is not just president obama who's being -- by this support it is key democratic standers in tough races and i see this continuing. i don't see anything they can do at this point, that they want to do, to try to turn this around and say, we were wrong about this. this was settled in the '60s. we apologize. i think it is too late. >> how spornt it for president obama? he did something unples dented. he came out with a video message talking about planned parenthood. he is going at republicans. it is about as an aggressive a
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statement as you can make what does it mean? he knows he benefits. clearly this is a settled issue. this is not a issue that is up in the air. should women have basic access to birth control or should their boss or a pharmacist be able to prevent it? the war on women, the republicans like to a say it is hyperbole. it is not it is an aggressive frightening force that is trying to drag us back. >> how would you think things would change between now and the election? you have got sherrod brown, who's doing very well in ohio. it's a seat the republicans definitely want. you have bill nelson on the same issue in florida. two different parts of the country but the issue same to women's health. how can the democrats capitalize on this to make sure they don't lose this advantage? >> i mean, i think they should do the right thing and i think doing the right thing stands up for planned parenthood and the idea that women should have
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access to birth control and safe, legal abortion and to expose the extremism of the other side. mitt romney in wisconsin tried to tell us, women don't care about access to birth control. they are more concerned about the federal debt. i don't think so. >> no. >> joan walsh, could this keep thsenate in the hands of the democrats? is this a big enough issue -- because i don't think the republicans c republicans can resurrect themselves. >> i don't think that the etch a sketch will work for mitt romney this time. >> no. >> the president said it in his message, you are not some special interest group that's out there. so -- >> no. >> what do you think, could this really make a big play for the senate? and could this be the key issue that would keep the senate in the hands of the democrats as far as the majority? >> it's looking that way. it's always looked good -- it begun to look good for president obama with the women's vote. we were crucial to his election
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in 2008. but the senate has been diceyer. state by state has been diceyer but to see these numbers, these wide numbers, these wietd leads that are being opened up in florida and ohio and virginia, it's really encouraging and it's all on the strength of this women's vote that is turning against the republicans. so i think as long as these issues are in the news, i think democratsre in good shape. >> ruth, conni if, f and joan walsh, great to have you with us tonight. remember to answer the question at the bottom of the scene and share your thoughts on twitter and "the ed show." we want to know what you think. coming up mitt romney and paul ryan. they are going around the state like they are relatives. is ryan auditioning for a larger role in the romney campaign? howard fineman and john nichols will join me on that subject. later i will talk to milwaukee mayor tom barrett.
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he's the latest democrat to jump in the race to take on scott walker in june. stay with us. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive.
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romney and paul ryan. so attached they started to do the same polls. and rick santorum is practically begging for an upset in wisconsin. john nicole an howard fineman are joining me next. scott walker, the recall is underway and he's getting major help from outside of the state. i will be joined by state senators and i will have an exclusive interview with the newest walker challenger. that's the milwaukee mayor tom barrett. and the fbi have arrived on the scene in florida to work on the trayvon martin case. there are major new details on the investigation. that report is ahead. share your thoughts on
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just not literally. capri sun. respect what's in the pouch. . the reason i'm excited about mitt romney's candidacy it is clear to me from our interactions he understands this country. >> that was congressman paul ryan embracing mitt romney ahead of tomorrow's primary here in the badger state. romney and ryan. they have been connected at the hip while campaigning through the entire state. in fact, i don't think that mitt romney has been this close to a congressional member since. it seems like ryan is
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auditioning for the role of running mate on the romney ticket with a major enthusiasm gap among republican voters. romney needs to get solid conservatives behind him. embracing the ryan budget which would eliminate programs for millimeters of americans is the first step. and republican voters in wisconsin are buying it. the latest polling puts romney ahead by seven points and rick santorum remains optimistic. >> i feel good we will have a good result here in wisconsin and maybe have an upset. >> rick santorum's dreaming. despite him outspending him 50-1. his late e ad uses his most effective and pointed argument against the former massachusetts governor. >> i approved this message. >> what if i told you this mandate of health care included $50 abortions and killed thousands of jobs wouchl ever vote for him?
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what if i told you he supported radical job killing cap and trade and the wall street bailouts and what if i told you he dramatically raised taxes and stuck taxpayers with a $1 billion short fall. one more thing, what if i told you the man i'm talking about isn't him? it's him. >> i'm joined by john nichols, washington correspondent for the nation magazine and author of the book "uprising." they may not becheering, but i know that howard fineman of nbc news, political analyst and editorial director of the huffington post has just as many fans. great to have you with us tonight. john, what do you make of this ryan/romney connection? why are they so close? romney has not been this close to anyone on the campaign trail. >> it's a similar bee i don't thinkic relationship. a week ago paul ryan went on national tv and said he would consider an offer to run for vice president. four days later he endorsed mitt
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romney. we know what paul ryan wants from. this he knows he can never pass his budget in congress. he'd like to be vice president. what does mitt romney want, that is easy too. paul ryan is kredable with the tea party and conservatives and they see him as a movement man and the other thing is less spoken. he is a stone cold social conservative. as right wing as rick santorum on these issues. so, in many ways it's a natural fit for a romney ticket. >> why are none of them standing with scott walk wither? you can't get them together? you can't get them together on the campaign trail. romney is showing up at certain walker outlets. >> he wants the walker backer sglls but he doesn't want to be seen with them. >> there's a couple of reasons for that. number one you may want to consider that scott walker is the subject of a john doe investigation in to criminal corruption. that photo, that photo might come back to hunt haunt you not just if that goes bad but do you
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want to be photographed with a guy who's supposedly on your agenda and is beaten in a recall election. >> howard fineman, does paul ryan offer more to mitt romney than any other conservative because obviously his position as chairman of the house budget committee the and he's come up with a strong and conservative budget? is this romney's best pitch. what do you think? >> it is his best pitch right now in wisconsin but i don't know that it will necessarily help him elsewhere. i know that from talking to one of mitt romney's top staffers, just a few minutes ago really, that they think they have been getting and are going to get in wisconsin the biggest share by far of self identified republicans. i think they are going to credit -- to some extent they will credit paul ryan for that. so they want him now. it is sort of a situation like i will see you one rick santorum and raise you two paul ryans.
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least for wisconsin. i'm not convinced it will be the same thing in the country generally. >> what about rick santorum, howard? is this it? does he have to win here? he's making the case he has a lot of states down south that are going to weigh in on this thing and even if romney does very well tomorrow night he's stith still not half way there to the total delegate count and there's a long way to go. does he have to win here? if he loses here and looks like he probably will, he will not have won ohio, illinois, michigan or wisconsin. all of where the manufacturing base has been. this of course is where santorum has been trying to score very well. what about wisconsin for santorum? >> looks to me like rick santorum is trying to bowl his way the victory in wisconsin. i don't think it is going to work. it's beginning to remind me a little bit of the monty python
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movie "the holy grail." remember the scene where there's the knight and they keep chopping his arms and legs off -- >> keep going, howard with, you are warming up the crowd with all of this. just keep going. you are hot, buddy, you are on the stump. keep going. >> as the knight shrinks and loses limbs and legs he sae keeps saying it's a mere flesh wound. i sort of think that's where rick santorum is right now. at this point, the players, meaning the media players, the republican party players and increasingly the voters, i think, are deciding -- ang republicans, that the race is over and it's time to turn their attention to president obama. i think for dignity sake, rick santorum is trying to stay around at least until
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pennsylvania. he better be careful what he wishes for there, ed. that's my home state. i know a lot of people there and i keep close tabs on it. it is by no means certain that rick santorum would win his home state of pennsylvania on april 24th. as a matter of fact, as we know, he lost by 17 points last time he ran for the senate there. >> ye. here's mitt romney's best surrogate, his wife ann in a radio interview earlier. >> sometimes he appears stiff. do you have to fight back -- like my husband isn't stiff, okay? >> well, you know, i guess we better unzip him and let the real mitt romney out. because he is not. >> what was that about, john nichols? >> i don't know they had him zipped in to some sort of romney outfit there. this notion, this notion that there's some kind of inner mitt romney, that there's a mitt romney inside that is somehow better than the thing he is
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showing us, the guy has been running one of the most intense races of his life. don't you think he would have known it already. >> i would think so. >> john nichols, howard with fineman great to have you with us tonight. appreciate it. >> walker recall is a make or break moment for the republican party and the desperation is no doubt showing. stay tuned we are right back. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my way [ female announcer ] philadelphia cooking creme.
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good to have you back here in wionsin. one day away from the republican presidential primary here in the badger state. i have to tell you being in the state, most of the voters are focused on a different election and that would be the rall election which has four senate seats, the governor and lieutenant governor. over the weekend, walker, he's on the full offensive. he's desperate, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. >> i look forward to this opportunity. i relish. this this for me and becky and the senators is a chance for us to go across the state and t tell one of the most powerfully positive messages in all of the country. we do we want a governor who is owned by the big union boss and the sbeshl interests driving this election or do we want a governor who firmly stands with the hard-working taxpayers of this great state. >> scott walker must be desperate if he wants us to
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believe that he stands wh workers in wisconsin. the chairman of the republican national committee made it clear the stakes could not be higher for the republican party. >> my pledge to you, especially here in wisconsin, is to be this governor's partner lock step. anything scott walker needs from the rnc, scott walker is going to get from the rnc. >> walker has the full support of the rnc. stop it right there. just remember that. walker has the full support of the rnc. the republican presidential candidates, wait a minute, they are a little careful. what's full support? mitt romney and rick santorum have voiced support for walker, but they are not showing up at campaign events with him because he could be legally toxic for their campaign. they can't afford to be seen with somebody in public that could be a huge liability after june 5th. here's the bottom liej and this
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hy i cover wisconsin as much as i do on "the ed show." this is all about citizens united. there's absolutely no way the democrats in this state or as walker loves to say, the union bosses, whoever the heck they are, as if there is money just pouring in to the state from the clouds it's raining dollars for democrats. that's not the case. what we saw here was 30,000 volunteers in the wintertime go across the state and get signatures. the boots on the ground. i don't think that these groups that are falling in to wisconsin and bking up scott walker and trying to save him politically, all hoff the right wing money in to wisconsin they can't beat the people in the street. that's the bottom line. these are progressives who are in the street. you don't see the conservatives in the street the.
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you don't see them -- you know who's out there for them? fox news is out this for them. some right-wing talkers in milwaukee are out there for them. go across the state, no, no, no. this guy is on big-time shaky ground and this is a template for other states across the union to see how to fight against the big money. that's why this is so big. if walker wins, if he stays in office, it also sets the template on how the republicans will be able to get it done. let's bring in wisconsin state senators lena taylor and chris larson. lena, let me ask you first, the template, i mean if i'm wrong, tell me. what's happening here? >> you are not wrong, ed. this has been a movement that is unprecedented. it is unprecedented for our state and the people are ready to push back and fight back. people are on fire. who would have thought, right? who would have thunk that all of
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this time that people would be still energized and willing to fight and there's no question. people are ready. >> ris, walker says that he is for the hard-working taxpayers. he uses the word "reform." what's he talking about? >> he is talking about grabbing more power. that's what he has been doing the last year. he's not standing with the people of wisconsin. he's been spending more time out of our state than in the state and trying to get money from big campaign contributors when he he had the ability to raise big dollars. that's who he is standing with. the people marching this the street and dying to be heard he is not listening to them. >> you can't match the money. how's it going to play out? >> it is a people powered movement, ed. it always has been. the people are the ones who initiated the recalls and the protests and the peoe will be the ones to take back our state. >> he's vil fieing the unions. every time i hear walker talk,
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he talks about out of state union bosses. respond to that. >> has he forgotten about his -- bosses. has he forgotten his phone call he had for nearly 20 minutes with the coke brothers tking about what he will do for them. he has forgot he is bought and sold by them. when it comes to the dollars, they may have the dollars but we have the people and the people have the vote and that's what is important. he's bee saying his is going to do jobs jobs, jobs. he is sold out to the coke brothers and moved the numbers where he put more people from work to welfare in this state. this guy is not for the people and he has not done for what he needs to do for wisconsin. >> a report came out today that the milwaukee misand firefighter unions in the stay city of milwaukee are endorsing scott walker. they endorse him in 2010. and they are back endorsing him again. what does that mean?
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i ununderstand the state unions are upset about this. >> it is not surprising. they endorsed him in the original election. they got exempted. a lot of people don't remember that. they were exempted from all of the cuts and tax attacks on unions and it was largely seen as political pay back for them they are coming up with the receipt to say we are here again because you exempted that. nothing more than a political ploy, a political pay back for him. >> the senate right now is 16-16, correct? >> correct. >> so there's four senate seats. >> correct. >> how do you feel about those recalls? >> we are very excited. it is competitive races and when you get done i think it is going to flip and you will be look at thendividuals who will be in the majority. >> that's right. >> are you taking away -- either one of you weighing in on who you would like to see go against scott walker. chris? >> i not weighing in. i want to focus on beating scott walker the only governor to
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establish a criminal defense fund. that's who we want to beat. we have four great candidates. >> >> you are not concerned about a big fight in the democratic party or anybody getting a broken nose if their favorite condition date doesn't go against him. >> i think it will be like barack obama and hillary clinton who will fight more for the middle class, wage earners, who's going to ro ekt tour long-term future. it will raise people's attention for the alternative to scott walker. >> are you concerned, lena, about any support eroding, depending who gets the nomination. >> not at all. it will energize people across the board. the candidates and the spectrum of the candidates we have will continue to keep energy among the base. people are ready. whether it's the very progressive or the farmer or the person in wisconsin, people are ready to be engaged and be involved. one other thing that is important, i think this will be an opportunity to show the democrats are for women.
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>> right. >> they have really shown a war on women, as you talked about earlier. >> will that play in wisconsin in the recall because scott walker went after planned parenthood, one of the first things he did. >> most definitely. most definitely. women will play a large role in the election in wisconsin. i know in my district women are the majority. so i know it will matter. >> what if you lose? what if walker wins? what does that say? i have to ask, what does that say if he wins. >> first of all, he's not going to win. >> all right. >> see, folks, they don't even want to think about that here in wisconsin. it is a motivated bunch. no doubt about it. wisconsin state senators lena taylor and chris larson with us tonight on "the ed show." thank you so much. it effects me personally is the governor's race. it affects me more right now. >> he's the man scott walker defeated in 2010.
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tonight, milwaukee mayor tom barrett wants a rematch and he's my guest exclusively. >> every one of us feel the pain of this family because trayvon martin could have been one of all of us. >> new evidence in the trayvon martin case. it makes it look even worse for george zimmerman. america is waiting for an arrest. we'll bring you the latest. top quality lobster is all we catch. [ male announcer ] get it now at red lobster's lobsterfest. 12 tempting choices like lobster lover's dream or maine lobster and shrimp. but only for a short time. now at red lobster. i'm laura mclennan and i sea food differently. i'm laura mclennan havi ng ai'm laura mclennan n irregular heartbeat havputs you at 5 times calgreater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussioguide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's yeah, you -- you know, everything can cost upwards of...[ whistles ]
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welcome back to "the ed show." live from madison, wisconsin. the walker recall could turn in to a rematch of the 2010 election. on friday, milwaukee mayor tom barrett announced he's running if they are democratic nomination to challenge scott walker on june 5th. he pledged not to go negative on his fellow democrats in the primary and he ask canned his primary opponents to do the same thing. the conventional wisdom is barrett is a good shot to beat
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walker. in fact, since he only lost to him by five points in 2010, which of course was not a good year for the democrats. this recall election is about labor rights and some unions especially asked me, they communicated to us that they are convinced that barrett is not the right guy for the job. they have concerns. many unions have already endorsed former dayne county executive c.a.t. leake lean faulk but barrett is running strong in the polls and the latest polls show him seven points in the lead in the democratic primary and barrett is doing better than any other candidate in the matchup but he trails the governor by two points right now. republicans are clearly worried about him. the republican governors seegs released an attack ad against barrett before he even announced he was running. i'm joined by mr. barrett on "the ed show." thank you for joining us. i appreciate your time.
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>> great to be on your show. >> thank you, sir. >> why are you doing is? you waited until friday to jump in. why are you doing it? >> i'm doing this because scott walker is trying to divide t state like it's never been divide before and i want to restore trust to the governor's office and heal the state and i want to create jobs. we can do the that. scott walker started a civil war in this state. and you heard about it in the last segment on the call where he thought he was talking to the koch brothers. the phrase he used was he was going to drop the bomb. we all know what that means. when you drop a bomb two things are going to happen, either you will obliterate a village or people will fight back like never before. that's what we have seen in wisconsin the last 15 months. we have seen people fighting in this state to make sure check tytive bargaining rights are restored. that's something i will do as governor the of th state and we need a governor that will fight for jobs. i was with scott walker and went
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toe to toe with him time and time again and heard how he was going to create jobs but in 2011 under the leadership of scott walk they are state of wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state in this country. that was -- >> i have to ask you, mr. barrett. >> he was trying to divide and conquer the state. >> two key points. you lost to scott walker in 2010. what makes you think you will beat him in the recall if you get the nod from the democrats? >> several things. that was with a terrible time for democrats. russ fiengold, legislators we ran in to the tea party buzz saw at that time. it's changed. people have seen what scott walker is all about. he never once mentioned during his campaign that he was going to end collective bargaining rights for public employees, yet that is what he did. i will restore those rights. >> along those lines, i have to ask you this, the unions are supportive kathleen falk. they are worry withed about
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their commitment to labor. how can you convince them you would be the right guy for the job? she signed a pledge saying she would go be a staunch supporter of collective bargaining when it's connected to the budget. but you didn't sign that. this is a real tough point for the unions right now. how are you going to correct that? >> i will tell you, what i said was that there are other avenues to make this a reality. what i can do as the governor is call a special session right off the bat and i can seek to have those rights restored without waiting for a budget or through the ledgetive process. i said i don't want to tie my hands behind my back with one approach or another approach. i have said repeatedly i support storing collective bargaining rights in the state of wisconsin and as the governor of this stately restore those collective bargaining rights. >> what about the money? this is scott walker recently mentioning you in an interview on fox. here it is.
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>> you know who paid for the expansion of governor in the past the middle class taxpayers of our state and finally we are putting them charge of the state in the state and local level. mayor barrett was able to save $25 million because of our reforms to balance the budget and not rely on gorging the property taxpayers. >> what's your response the that? he's saying you are following the policies that he implemented and it helped you as the mayor of milwaukee. what about that? >> one tng that most people don't realize is the city of milwaukee in his budget got the largest cut we have ever received as a city, largest cut. if you put together shared revenue, the road aids, the recycling cuts, probably close to $15 million in cuts that we had. he wanted to paint me in a corner. he wanted to paint me in a corner and say you lay off hundreds of people. you lay off hundreds of people or you take other action. i did not want to lay off hundreds of people.
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i don't want to close libraries. i don't want to lay off public health nurses and that's a challenge that i faced because of scott walker. the biggest mistake we, as democrats can make, is though aim the gun at each other and forget it was scott walker who brought those cuts to the local level and mayors throughout the state had to respond to that and make difficult decisions. >> all right. mayor tom barrett from milwaukee, great to have you with us. appreciate your time and we will do it again. >> tha you, ed. >> you bet. the fbi confirms it is performing a parallel investigation in the trayvon martin case. the latest developments on that next. stay with us. we are right back.
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up next on "the ed show," the latest detail on the trayvon martin case. the fbi launches an investigation and begins to interview witnesses. in the big finish tonight, the crowd here at the great dia dayne has a lot to say about their election.
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tweet us using the #ed show. we'll be right back. 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. their election. tweet us using the #ed show. we'll be right back. ening... ening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. i get my cancer medications through the mail. now washington, they're looking at shutting down post offices coast to coast. closing plants is not the answer. they want to cut 100,000 jobs. it's gonna cost us more, and the service is gonna be less. we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. the ripple effect is going to be devastating. congress created the problem. and if our legislators get on the ball, they can make the right decisions.
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new developments the trayvon martin case. the fbi started to question witnesses they begun a parallel investigation in to the killing of the 17-year-old youth. agents have begun to interview people at the gated community in sanford, florida where trayvon was shot. his parents have asked the justice department to investigate why the first state attorney reportedly refused a request to arrest george zimmerman. the martin family wants to know if state attorney norm wolfinger interfered with the case. he said hit he was outraged by the family's request. billie sided with wolfinger even though the lead investigator did not believe george zimmerman's story. two forensic audio experts have now said the cries for help on
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the 911 tapes are not that of george zimmerman. one expert said the test concluded that it is not the voice of george zimmerman. abc news reports has now enhanced the police surveillance video of george zimmerman on the night of the shooting. in the enhanced video, there is a mark on zimmerman's head which might be an injury, but the enhanced video does not show evidence of an injured nose or any signs of blood on his shirt. emergency responders cancelled a second ambulance to take zimmerman to the hospital according to abc news. there was another rally for justice in sanford, florida, over the weekend. former president clinton has now weighed in on the case. >> i hope this will lead to a reprisal of the stand your ground laws and i hope the truth will come out and the tragedy of this young man's loss will not be in vain. >> when we come back, i'm going to be talking to the folks here in this amazing crowd here
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tonight in madison, wisconsin. stay with us. [ male announcer ] that. right there -- reminds you why you fell in love with her in the first place. and why you still feel the same. but your erectile dysfunction -- that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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in our survey i asked will the war on women cost republicans the white house. 99% of you say yes. 1% say no. coming up, this crowd has a lot to say about tomorrow's gop primary and the walker recall. we'll hear from them next. don't forget to listen to my radio show on siriusxm radio nooen noon to 3:00 monday through friday. follow me on twitter@ed show. @e. that's good morning, veggie style. noon to 3:00 monday through friday. follow me on twitter @ed show. hmmm. noon to 3:00 monday through friday. follow me on twitter @ed show. . could've had a v8.
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a simple way to make dinner fresh and new again. just stir it in. now it only takes a moment to make the moment. ♪ spread a little joy and see ♪ need a little happiness to be ♪ ♪ living the life a big thank you to the dane who allowed our crew to come to wisconsin. these are great folks. they really are. one thing about this whole walker recall but it is not just walker, it's the wisconsin state senate where there's four seats that are up for grabs. let's not forget the nine recall races that took place last summer. this part of the country is so politically active right now. it is not because they wanted to make it that way. it is because they feel like they are being attacked. they feel the middle class isn't
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getting a fair shake and there's a radical agenda out there that has taken the crowd to new heights, politically maybe like we have never seen before. is that right or wrong? i agree with you as far as the bubble of madison goes. as a psychologist i work with people in rural wisconsin and i think support isn't as solid there. the walk ir campaign is doing a -- the recall walker campaign is doing a great job but we need to get the information to rural communities because some are afraid of what they see in wisconsin. >> are you concerned with political exhaustion? >> they just answered it for us. >> i'm concerned this is a middle-class issue. 70% of the women and children in dane county live in the poverty line. this is not a middle-class issue. you are fighting for women and children across wisconsin to have access to health care and rights. those women need to get out and vote.
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>> how's the rail going to go? what does it mean to the state. >> what does it mean to the state? i think the question is beyond what does it mean to the state? it is what does it mean to this nation and the world. when weapon stand together for creative candidates that still try to build community and build on the strengths that we have here instead of destroying what we have not only built for our state but set examples for around the world. >> your thoughts. >> i like all of the attention on wisconsin. i think it is important. i think we will come through in may and june. >> may 8th is the democratic primary. june 5th is the recall election for the four state senate's st the governor's chair and also the lieutenant governor. i love this state. love their passion. i just know that the power of the people is going to be successful. we will stay on this story. that's "the ed show." live from madison, wisconsin. rachel maddow show is next.